Wednesday, April 22, 2009 insight on wars

            World Peace, a line which we commonly hear from the contestants of a beauty pageant answering the question, “What is your greatest wish for the world?”. A line which remains as a line. Cease Fire, a phrase which we hear from people afflicted by war and craving for its end. A phrase which remains as a phrase. World Peace and Cease fire, a line and a phrase, which came from their mouths and our mouths. And up to now, that line and that phrase have never been put into actions. Did the world attain peace? Have the opposing armies ceased bombings with each other?


            Wars are found and felt everywhere in the world. A little disagreement instantly turns to deeper problems and eventually becomes war. Wars do not happen only between warring nations or states but also between disputing neighbors. A conflict with your brother or sister may turn to war. Even if you’re not using fire arms, those wanton and slanderous words you utter against each other stir up war.


            Have you ever noticed that we also have wars just within ourselves? Can’t you feel that we are battling everyday? Two forces which are always against each other tell us to do this and that. Good and evil forces are always there in our move. It’s up to us whether we follow good or the evil.


            War begins and ends in ourselves. If we’re trapped in such situation, let us humble down ourselves. Refuting will not help. To discern right from wrong will help us achieve and put world peace and cease fire into actions. Above all, we could only find peace in God. Isaiah 9:6d tells us that He is the Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.

...I made this one for our English Elective Class together with the other piece,"Friendship".


Nowadays, many people can tell that it’s difficult to find real friends. Now that everyone is facing a crisis, it’s really hard to give your full trust to someone. We have lots of friends, but can you name those who are real and genuine? Allow me to tell you a very good story about friendship.


            A video in Youtube entitled,” Christian, the lion” really moved me. This is a real story, a great friendship between humans and animals. It was year 1969 when John Rendall and Ace Berg saw a lonely and cramped cub. They decided to bring it home and a local vicar did agree. They named him Christian. Christian quickly became big for their grounds that they allowed to introduce him in Africa. A year later, John and Ace were informed that Christian already leads his own pride and would not recognize humans anymore. Undaunted, they still went to Africa to visit and check him. When they arrived, they asked natives if they have seen a lion guiding his own pride. Surprisingly, a lion walks towards the. It was Christian! He leaped over his friends. He really missed them a lot that he was kissing, hugging and licking their face.


            C.S. Lewis once quoted that friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy like art… it has no survival value; rather, it is one of those things that give value to survival. In the story, Christian was reintroduced in Africa and his friends were his inspirations for his survival. We can also find a real friend. It may not be a lion nor any other animal.


          Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” We are living in a cruel world. We can hardly find friends that are true. All may leave, but there is one friend who’ll stay. A friend who could be my friend, your friend and everybody’s friend. He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. His name is Jesus Christ.