Friday, September 24, 2010

Lending a hand without expecting something in return

1:07AM Sept.24,2010

Yeah, and I'm still wide awake in the middle of the night. I don't know why. It's okay, our classes will start by 10am and I still have lots of hours to sleep. So, here's my point now. Remember my AH1 entry? the diary thingy? I got 2.25 mark. I'm not satisfied yet I am contented. In my second paper, I got a mark of 1.5. I'm happier though I'm not yet sure when my happiness would end. Not all of our papers were returned. so, I'm nervous what my grades would be. Anyways, here's another composition. This has not been returned yet. I do not know what my grades are for this one.

Sunday, August 08, 2010, was not an ordinary day for me and for some of my grade two classmates. My classmate, Kamille, called us for a reunion because she just arrived here in Davao all the way from U.S. after almost 9 years of being away. We ate lots of food in Shakeys. We even had 6 slices of pizza left. They asked the waiter to pack it and luckily, they gave it to me. When it was already getting dark, we bid each other goodbye.
Our house is far from SM that’s why I have to ride at least two jeepneys in going home. While walking towards the loading area in Aldevinco, I passed by a group of children. Actually, I can’t call them street children because they were not wearing worn-out clothes. They were just squatting along the sidewalk playing “dampa” and most of them had rubber bands on their wrists that could even reach their elbows. I thought maybe they are the kids of some side walk vendors there. Since it was already dinner time, I thought of giving my “bring home slices of pizza” to them.
I handed it to them and one of the children took it immediately. The others followed him. They even argued on who should get it. I told them to share and give each one equal parts but it seems that nobody listened to me. So, I just walked away and left. I did not even hear a simple “Thank You” from them. I walked away grateful that I have shared yet I was also disappointed because they did not thank me. I overheard one of them, perhaps the eldest, stopping the argument and telling each other to have an equal share. At least, I was relieved by what I heard.
Up to now, I kept on thinking about that moment. I realized I must not expect something in return when we help people. I also regretted that I haven’t taught the children how to say thank you. Anyways, I just helped and gave them what I have. I always keep in mind that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

I know its a nonsense for me pleading you to comment on this. But, if by any chance, you happen to read this, please just criticize or do whatever you like. Its for me to grow. :) Be happy everyone.